End of Tenancy

End of tenancy cleans

End of Tenancy Cleaning

Maintenance contracts

Peace of mind for tenants and landlords

It is highly recommended that a property is cleaned professionally at the end or beginning of a tenancy. We have experience in end of tenancy cleaning and understand exactly the high quality of cleaning expected from landlords and inventory clerks. Tenancy cleans protect the property, tenant and landlord.
For more information on one-off or maintenance contract end of tenancy cleans call us today on 0203 689 0992.
Builders' cleans

High quality professional cleaning

Our end of tenancy cleans are of a very high standard and include the cleaning of ovens, hobs, lime scale removal, defrosting of freezers etc. 

Everything is cleaned from top to bottom and you will have proof of a high quality, professional clean.

Our staff are fully trained and insured. We always offer a prompt and reliable service. Most quotes can be given immediately, without a prior viewing of the property.
Lime scale removal
For end of tenancy cleaning
call us today on 020 3689 0992
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